28 Júl

Vystúpenie-Kuchajda-POZOR -nástup 16.45

Nástup-Kuchajda- pri javisku-16.45 o 17.00 začína koncert hudby MV-a potom na záver o 17.45-by mala ísť Klnka.. pri javisku má byť stan na prezlek--tam si dáme dokopy aj tance--. Tance: Tekov,op. čardáš s kapelou MV.--a potom Mix Klnka kroje. CH. východ kroj-lajblík čierny s červenými strap...

Kalendár akcí
28 Júl

Podujatie MV

  • Kde: Kuchajda,
  • Kedy: 17.00
31 August

Lúčnica a deti

  • Kde: Námestie Slobody,
  • Kedy: 16.00
01 September

Folkfest-Štrkovec-pri jazere

  • Kde: Štrkovec-pri jazere,
  • Kedy: 16.00

History from 1978

The KLNKA children's folk ensemble was founded in 1978 by former members of the Lúčnica folk dance group . It is currently run as a part of the Eugen Suchoň Elementary School for the Arts and its home stage is located in the Dúbravka Cultural Center in Bratislava. Ingrid Saňková is the artistic producer, professor and choreographer of the Klnka ensemble. She works closely with professor Mikuláš Sivý Jr., and together they create a diverse repertory which represents the cultural values of Slovak folk art in a variety of its forms, which are  widely appreciated worldwide


Our Repertory

Klnka is well-known for its interpretation based on precise technique enriched by the spontaneous playfulness of its members – children and youth aged 4 to 18.  The repertory is built on typical dances and songs from various Slovak regions such as  Myjava, Horehronie, Liptov, Tekov, Šariš,  Podpoľanie, Sedmohradsko, Gemer and Zemplín. The dance acts always highlight various traditions, customs and rituals performed in the Slovak countryside throughout the year and also offer a myriad of dances ranging from Irish, Balcan and many others inspired by trips abroad
